领导活动,自古有之。领导者影响力的强弱则决定着领导活动的效能,因此探讨形成领导者个人影响力的方方面面,其意义是十分重要的。 1个人影响力的重要性一个人,生活在社会中,都有影响力,但对领导者来说,由于知名度高,工作相对繁忙,对事业的成败关系较大。对于一个领导
Leadership activities, since ancient times. The strength of the leader’s influence determines the effectiveness of the leader’s activity. Therefore, it is very important to explore all aspects of forming the leader’s individual influence. The Importance of Personal Influence A person who lives in a society has an influence, but for a leader, because of his high profile and relatively busy work, he has a great influence on the success or failure of his career. For a leader