近年来,我县阳冬梨普遍存在只开花不结果的问题。为了探索影响花而不实的主要原因,找出解决这一问题的最佳方案和措施,我们于1985—1986年,在梅花乡大田村梨子山进行了试验研究,取得了较好的效果。 一、试验方法 1、试验材料 供试土地为白云岩发育的马肝土,土层深厚,肥力低,pH值6.5。
In recent years, Yangxianli County, the prevalence of flowering is not the only problem. In order to explore the main reasons for affecting the quality of the flowers and find the best solution to this problem, we conducted a pilot study in Pear Mountain, Datian Village, Meihua Township from 1985 to 1986 and achieved good results. First, the test method 1, the test material for the test site for the development of dolomite Ma liver soil, deep soil, low fertility, pH 6.5.