
来源 :中国花卉盆景 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zlbqnsd
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尘世间总有许多无常,比如天灾。而游寄其间的芸芸众生,在无妄之灾的突袭下,要求取生存,除运气之外,要看你的应变能力如何了。上图这两株榕树,自幼附生于岩石之上,本可无忧度日。但遭遇不可抗拒之力量突袭,致使赖以依附的支柱崩溃了;借以输送给养的根系断折了;原来雄踞的姿态亦不得不改为偃卧。然而,这两株榕树并没有因遭灾而消沉,凭借自身旺盛的生命力和顽强的斗志,自力更生,寻找新的落脚点,稳扎根基,适应环境的变化,随遇而安。人穷志不短,身残意愈坚。观罢斯景,不由令人产生许多的联想和启示……该作品是创作者自身生活体验的写照。作者是位下岗工人,但他没有因此而消沉,全身心投入于盆景艺术的探索、研究,创作了大量造型优美,意蕴深邃的榕树附石盆景。通过奋斗、拼搏,在人生道路上开拓出一片广阔的前景,充分体现了生命的能量。 There are always many impermanence earthly things, such as natural disasters. And sent to the mortal beings in the meantime, in the calamity of the surprise raid, asking for survival, in addition to luck, depends on your resilience how. The two banyan tree on the map, since childhood attached to the rocks above, you can worry-free day. But suffered an irresistible force raid, resulting in the collapse of the pillars on which it depends; the root system thus delivered to support has broken off; the original dominating posture has to be changed to lying down. However, the two banyan trees did not suffer from disasters. With their own vitality and indomitable fighting spirit, the two banyan trees find their own ground to find a new foothold, stabilize their roots and adapt to the changes of the environment, and are comfortable with the situation. Poor people are not short, body more stubborn. Viewpoint scene, could not help but produce a lot of associations and enlightenment ...... The work is a portrayal of creators own life experience. The author is a laid-off worker, but he did not depression, wholeheartedly devoted himself to the exploration of bonsai art, research, creation of a large number of beautiful, profound Banyan bonsai. Through struggle and hard work, we have broadened our prospects in life and fully embodied the energy of life.
目的:通过158例老年胃癌临床、病理、免疫组化检查及随访研究,阐述老年胃癌的临床病理特点(包括主要症状、好发部位、组织学类型、浸润与转移率),治疗反应与预后。 方法:本
目的:观察清热化瘀汤治疗对老年胃食管反流病患者24小时食管PH值的影响。 方法:将160例老年胃食管反流病患者随机分为两组,观察组80例,内服清热化瘀汤治疗;对照组80例,口服西药
近日,比利时UNITEX组织在比利时根特大学学院举办了2015第八届欧洲涂层会议。会议吸引了17个国家的250名代表。会上,比利时希运工业集团(Sioen)的Joost Wille博士,介绍了变革
目的:综合康复疗法改善慢性阻塞性肺疾病(chronicobstructive plenary disease,COPD)缓解期患者的生活质量与再次急性加重间隔期的关系探讨。 方法:将60例COPD患者分为康复治
答:锦花缎是以77 dtex锦纶作经纱,133 dtex粘胶作纬纱,交织而成的缎绞提花织物.由于以锦纶丝做地,粘胶丝做花,织物经染整加工后质地柔糯滑爽,色泽高贵典雅,深受众人喜爱.rn黑
合理的学习、劳动和生活制度,可以培养兒童少年在德育、智育、体育各方面得到全面發展。 農村小学学生生活制度与城市或多或少还存在有一定差别,根据農村特点,合理安 A rea
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