Objective To improve the understanding of pulmonary lymphatic leiomyoma (PLAM). Methods The clinical data of 1 patient with PLAM were analyzed and reviewed with the literature. Results PLAM is a persistent and diffuse interstitial lung disease. Clinical manifestations of recurrent spontaneous pneumothorax, dyspnea after activity, hemoptysis and chylothorax and so on. Chest X-ray showed diffuse grids of both lungs and late-stage cellular changes. High-resolution CT (HRCT) showed diffuse distribution of thin-walled cystic lesions in both lungs. The pathological features were pulmonary lymphatic vessels, small airways, Diffuse dysplasia of smooth muscle cells around the walls of small vessels and around them. Immunohistochemistry HMB45 positive. Conclusions Women of childbearing age have progressive dyspnea, which is similar to the clinical manifestations of emphysema. The recurrence of pneumothorax or chylous pleural effusion, chest CT HRCT showed diffuse distribution of thin-walled cystic changes, the clinical should think of the possibility of PLAM, the best Able to do a clear diagnosis of lung biopsy.