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石家庄市体育运动学校是市属唯一一所体育中专学校,肩负着向省里输送优秀体育后备人才和代表石家庄市参加综合性体育比赛的重任。1995年前,无论在硬件还是软件方面,均落后于其他学校,曾被省教委亮起“黄牌”。面对危机,新一届领导班子审时度势并达成共识:要想打好翻身仗,必须在软件和硬件上下功夫,提高教学质量。为此他们在人事部门的指导下,决定从职称评定改革入手,端掉分配制度上的大锅饭。他们根据中专学校的特点,本着科学合理,精简高效的原则,混合设置岗位。即教研岗位按条块分,设置了中专文化、中专体育、初中文化、业体训练4个教研组;教学岗位设置按学科分,教练员按运动队设置岗位。为避免造成因人设岗,该校 Shijiazhuang City Sports School is the only municipal sports secondary schools, shoulder the province to transport excellent sports reserve personnel and representatives of Shijiazhuang City to participate in the comprehensive sports competition. Before 1995, both in hardware and software lagged behind other schools and was lured by Provincial Education Commission. In the face of the crisis, the new leadership team has taken stock of the situation and reached a consensus: in order to lay a good foundation for its turnaround, it must make efforts in software and hardware to improve its teaching quality. Therefore, under the guidance of the personnel department, they decided to start with the assessment of job title and eliminate the big pot on the distribution system. They are based on the characteristics of secondary schools, in a scientific and rational, streamlined and efficient principle, mixed set positions. That teaching and research posts according to the bar, set the secondary school culture, secondary school sports, junior high school culture, industry training four teaching and research group; teaching positions set by discipline, coaches set up positions by sports teams. In order to avoid causing people to post, the school
它是幼教经验的传媒,它是幼教知识的载体。它凝聚着大量作者的心血,它挥洒着创编人员的汗水。 It is the media of preschool experience, which is the carrier of presch
6月21日,《湖北教育》(教育教学)理事单位第一次联席会议在湖北教育报刊社召开,武汉市教学研究室等20多家单位的负责同志参加了会议。 On June 21, the first joint meeting o
Modeling of network traffic is a fundamental building block of computer science. Measurements of network traffic demonstrate that self-similarity is one of the
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