The plant cell wall:Biosynthesis, construction, and functionsFA

来源 :植物学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fkj1022
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The plant cell wall is composed of multiple bio-polymers, representing one of the most complex structural networks in nature. Hundreds of genes are involved in building such a natural masterpiece. However, the plant cell wall is the least understood cellular structure in plants. Due to great progress in plant functional genomics, many achievements have been made in uncovering cell wall biosynthesis, assembly, and architecture, as well as cell wall regulation and signaling. Such information has significantly advanced our understanding of the roles of the cell wall in many biological and physiological processes and has enhanced our utilization of cell wall materials. The use of cutting-edge technologies such as single-molecule imaging, nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, and atomic force microscopy has provided much insight into the plant cell wall as an intricate nanoscale network, opening up unprecedented possibilities for cell wall research. In this review, we summarize the major advances made in un-derstanding the cell wall in this era of functional genomics, including the latest findings on the biosynthesis, construction, and functions of the cell wall.
【摘 要】雨量的减少虽然对广大的半干旱地区农业生产不利,但温度的增加反过来增大了光合潜力,从而为农作物增产创造了条件。这一共同趋势近年来显著促进了宁夏耕作方式的改变,突出表现为一下耕作栽培方式,有力促进了宁夏农业的发展。  【关键词】耕作方式;气候;适应性  一、水稻旱育稀植栽培技术  水稻旱作栽培是水稻在旱田水浇条件下的栽培法,通过选的、育苗、整的、施肥、移栽、田间管理、出穗成熟、收获等步骤完成