伯爵的华贵一向令顽皮的少女望而却步,她们叛逆、活泼、美貌、伶俐,唯独缺乏的可能是驾驭伯爵雍容华贵的勇气和自信。现在,越来越多的年轻拥趸可以在伯爵珠宝家族中找到自己,演绎俏皮的奢侈。如果你还不够自信,那么来看看Jessica吧。蜚声国际的摄影大师Patrick Demarcheller亲自为年轻的Jessica打造形象,聚光灯下,身边云集各路时尚教父打造出伯爵女孩儿。她显得活泼有型,又不失优雅浪漫。
Piaget’s luxury has always deterred the naughty teenage girls. They are rebellious, lively, beautiful and embarrassed. The only thing they lack may be the courage and confidence to control the count. Now, more and more young fans can find themselves in Piaget’s jewellery family, performing playful luxury. If you are not confident enough, take a look at Jessica. The international photography master Patrick Demarcheller personally created an image for the young Jessica. Under the spotlight, gathered around the fashion godfather to create the earl girl. She looks lively and stylish, yet elegant and romantic.