
来源 :刑法论丛 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liongliong421
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我国刑法中规定了大量的加重犯,如数额加重犯、结果加重犯、情节加重犯等。对于加重犯而言,加重构成所要求的要件并非都是客观的处罚条件,部分的加重构成是独立于基本罪的构成要件,即便没有实现加重构成,也可能成立加重犯的未遂。犯罪既遂的标准是犯罪构成要件实现说,加重犯的犯罪既遂标准应是基本犯的构成要件与加重犯的构成要件的共同实现。虽然我国刑事立法对基本犯与加重犯规定了相同的罪名,但基本犯与加重犯应有各自独立的犯罪既遂标准,而非适用单一的犯罪既遂标准,只有这样才能更好地实现罪刑相适应,也才符合刑法分别规定犯罪既遂、未遂并设立不同处罚原则的立法意图。域外的立法及司法实践也表明,只有坚持犯罪既遂标准的层次性而非单一性,才能更好地实现罪刑相适应。随着刑法理论与审判实践对定罪量刑的精确化要求,应推进犯罪既遂标准的层次性。 China’s criminal law provides for a large number of aggravating prisoners, such as aggravating the amount of crime, aggravating the result, aggravating circumstances and so on. In the case of aggravating offenders, not all aggravating elements required by the constitution are objective conditions of sanctions. Part of the aggravating constitution is an integral part of the basic crime, and even if the aggravating constitution is not realized, an attempt may be made to aggravate the offense. The standard of accomplice to crime is the realization of the elements of the crime, and the standard of accomplice of the crime of aggravating crime should be the common realization of the constitutional elements of the basic criminals and the constitutional elements of the aggravating criminals. Although the criminal legislation in our country stipulates the same charges for the basic criminals and the aggravating criminals, the basic criminals and the aggravating criminals should have their own independent standards of accomplishing criminals instead of the single standard of accomplice of criminality. Only in this way can the crime and penalty be better matched , But also in line with the provisions of criminal law respectively, the criminal attempt, attempted and set the principle of different legislative intent. Extraterritorial legislation and judicial practice also show that only by upholding the standard rather than the level of completion of the crime rather than unity can better meet the crime and punishment. With the precise requirements of criminal law theory and trial practice on conviction and sentencing, we should promote the level of the accomplished standard of crime.