石家庄水泥厂位于太行山东麓的河北省石家庄市获鹿县城北,东距石家庄市15公里有京广干线,南临石太干线,西毗“白鹿泉”、“抱犊寨”著名风景区,交通发达。境内石灰石、粘土矿、铁矿等分布广、储量大,品位高,距上安电厂(装机120万千瓦),西柏坡电厂(装机240万千瓦)及阳泉市(无烟煤产区)分别为6公里、25公里、120公里。 工厂是国内大型水泥企业,前身是中央
Shijiazhuang Cement Plant is located in Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province, which is located in the east of Taihang County. It is located in the north of Deer County. It is 15 kilometers away from Shijiazhuang City in the east and has a Jingguang Route. It is adjacent to the Shitai Main Line in the south and borders Bailuquan Spring and Baodu Village in the west. developed. Limestone, clay minerals, iron ore, etc. are widely distributed, with large reserves and high grades. They are located at Shang’an Power Plant (1.2 million kilowatts installed), Xibaipo Power Plant (2.4 million kilowatts installed capacity) and Yangquan City (anthracite producing area) are 6 kilometers respectively. 25 km and 120 km. The factory is a large-scale domestic cement company, formerly the Central Government