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战场估计2003年国内减肥品消费总额为60-100亿。按照2001年中国医学会公布的体重衡量标准,我国超重人群估计在4.8亿左右,肥胖者则已超过7000万,而1995年,中国的超重和肥胖人群数量分别为3亿和3600万。这表明中国的减肥产品市场不仅是一个容量巨大的市场,更是一个极具发展潜力的市场。 90年代以来,中国的减肥品行业得到了飞速的发展,减肥产品以及生产企业的数量不断增加,减肥产品生产领域已经成为一个投资 The battlefield estimates that in 2003 the total domestic consumption of diet products was 60-100 million. According to the weight scale published by the Chinese Medical Association in 2001, the number of overweight people in China is estimated to be around 480 million and the number of overweight people exceeds 70 million. In 1995, the number of overweight and obese people in China was 300 million and 36 million respectively. This shows that China’s weight loss product market is not only a huge market capacity, but also a very promising market. Since the 1990s, China’s weight-loss products industry has been rapid development, weight-loss products and the increasing number of manufacturing enterprises, the production of weight-loss products has become an investment
旅行時,原本是带着“不买东西”的原则上路的,可惜的是,我是个看见好东西会动心的俗女子,所以,常常给自己带来不必要的麻烦。  在新西兰,看皮裘、看皮包;看宝石、看彩石;我好似道行极高的老僧,毫不动心。  一日,迈进了一家土著开设的商店,目光一转,惊呼一声,“定力”彻底瓦解。  我看见了鹿头。  是栩栩如生、活灵活现的标本。  七八只一整排地挂在墙上,鹿角参差有致地向上伸着,圆圆的眸子,深沉地凝视着广