2016年8月5-14日,第十二届Fj?llr?ven Classic瑞典北极狐经典穿越活动在瑞典圆满落幕,今年来自全球的2150多名户外爱好者参与了这条世界上最美的110公里穿越线路。来自中国的数百名户外爱好者分为3个梯队进行徒步挑战,并顺利完成了此次穿越之旅。美景与困难同在Fj?llr?ven Classic瑞典北极狐经典穿越活动线路是全球十大徒步路线之一,全程呈现了拉普兰纯净自然之中不同层次的极地夏日风光。从瑞典南部萨米人的村庄Nikkaluokta村启程,途经著名的Kungsleden山区,
August 14, 2016, the Twelfth Fjöllner Classic Classic Swedish Arctic fox crossings culminated in Sweden, this year more than 2,150 outdoor enthusiasts from around the world participated in this world’s most beautiful 110 km Cross the line. Hundreds of outdoor enthusiasts from China were divided into 3 echelon teams to challenge on foot and smoothly completed this journey through. Beauty and Difficulties at Fjörröven Classic The Swedish Arctic fox is one of the top 10 walking routes in the world, presenting the polar summer landscapes of different levels in pure and natural Lapland. From the village of Nikkaluokta in the Sami village in southern Sweden, passing the famous mountain Kungsleden,