超人归来 重回大银幕

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引言经过10年的筹划与波折,经典蓝色紧身衣、红内裤外穿装扮的超人终于重回大银幕。本片的导演从《蝙蝠侠》的提姆·波顿换到《尖峰时刻》的布莱特·雷特纳,最后才决定由《X战警》的布莱恩·辛格接下重任;超人的人选也从最早的尼可拉斯·凯基换成杰克·蓝伦霍尔、布兰登·费舍尔,最后才在导演坚持下由新人布兰登·罗斯担纲,可谓好事多磨。从1978年超人成功登上大银幕开始,《超人》系列电影一共拍了四集,前两集由理查德·唐纳(Richard Donner)执导,他在第二集拍到一半时因为和电影公司发生了一些摩擦而走人。少了他的第三集、第四集,表现一落千丈,也让这个系列就此暂时告一段落。不过,即使超人暂时从大银幕上消失,但以超人为主角的电视连续剧《新超人》(Lois&Clark)以及《超人首部曲》(Smallville)仍然成为美国观众最喜爱的电视剧集,可见超人受欢迎的程度是不会随着时间而减退的。在最新一集的电影《超人归来》中,一名宿敌计划消灭超人的超能力,而超人也终于认清一个令他伤心欲绝的事实——他最爱的女人露易丝已经不再爱他。超人重返地球后,除了想要再度拉近和露易丝之间的距离之外,也要试着在一个早已不需要超人的世界中生活。但当地球发生危机时,超人必须保护这个他热爱的世界不被摧毁,于是他踏上一场前所未见的冒险历程,从最深的海底一直到最遥远的外层空间,试图寻找自己存在的意义。 Introduction After 10 years of planning and twists and turns, the classic blue tights, red pants outside the dress Superman finally returned to the big screen. The film's director from “Batman” Tim Burton switched to “rush hour” Brett Reitner, before finally decided by the “X-Men” Bryant Singh took over the task; Superman Candidates from the earliest Nicholas Kaiki replaced by Jack Blueon Hall, Brendan Fisher, finally directed by the director Brandon Rose insisted under, can be described as good things and more grinding. Since the Superman's successful debut on the big screen in 1978, the Superman series has taken four sets, the first two by Richard Donner, Some friction has taken place and leave. Less his third episode, the fourth episode, performance plummeted, but also to make this series temporarily come to an end. However, superman-led television series “Lois & Clark” and “Smallville” remain the favorites of the American audience, even though Superman temporarily disappears from the big screen The degree will not diminish over time. In the latest episode of “The Return of the Superman,” a rival planned to destroy the superman's abilities, and the Superman finally realized the fact that he was heartbroken - his favorite woman, Louise, no longer loved he. After returning to Earth, in addition to trying to narrow the distance between Louise again, try to live in a world that no longer needs Superman. But when the earth has a crisis, the superman must protect the world he loves from being destroyed, so he embarks on a journey of adventure never seen before, trying to find his own existence from the deepest seabed to the most remote outer space Meaning.
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