2004年5月18日索尼公司在中国正式推出了DVD Handycam摄像机DCR-DVD101E及DCR-DVD201E,凭借精巧的外形和便捷的操作为家庭用户增加了一种崭新的选择。Sony的DVD摄像原型机最早出现在2003年年初的CES展会上,松下、日立等厂商也有类似产品,但市场份额较低。不过,从高调发布这个系列产品看,Sony对DVD摄像机充满了信心。
May 18, 2004 Sony Officially Launches DVD Handycam DCR-DVD101E and DCR-DVD201E in China, adding a brand new option to home users with its compact form factor and convenient operation. Sony’s DVD video camera prototype first appeared in early 2003 CES show, Panasonic, Hitachi and other manufacturers have similar products, but the market share is low. However, from a high-profile release of this series of products, Sony is full of confidence in the DVD camcorder.