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北京普乐电子技术公司是由中国电子进出口总公司和中国管理科学院计算所联合开办的集开发、生产、内贸与外贸为一体的科技实体,是北京市科技开发区的高新技术企业.公司成立于1989年,人员主要由上述两单位及计算机厂的技术骨干组成,公司所有员工均为大专以上学历,主要技术队伍具有多年工控产品设计及现场应用经验.公司一成立,就得到了社会上众多专家、教授及同行的支持,她与清华大学联合设计的系列工业控制机即以耐高温潮湿、强抗干扰能力、较高的性能价格比、美观的造型被亚运会选用作为亚运村五洲大酒店、国际会议中心等场馆宾馆的设备测控系统.近百台套设备在亚运会期间连续运转,各项指标均达到设计要求,受到用户好评.几年来,普乐公司生产的普乐系列工控机及传感器等工控产品已在国内多项重点工程中 Beijing Purule Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. is a scientific and technological entity that integrates development, production, domestic trade and foreign trade, and is a high-tech enterprise established in Beijing Science and Technology Development Zone. The company is jointly established by the China Electronics Import and Export Corporation and the Institute of Computing Technology of the Chinese Academy of Management Sciences. Founded in 1989, the staff is mainly composed of the above-mentioned two units and the technical backbone of the computer factory. All employees of the company are college graduates, and the main technical team has many years of industrial control product design and field application experience. Once the company was established, it got social With the support of numerous experts, professors and peers, she and Tsinghua University jointly designed a series of industrial control machines that are resistant to high temperature and humidity, strong anti-interference ability, high performance-cost ratio, and beautiful shape. The Asian Games will be selected as the Asian Games Village Wuzhou Hotel. The equipment monitoring and control system for venue hotels such as the International Conference Center, etc. Nearly a hundred sets of equipment have been operating continuously during the Asian Games. All the indicators have met the design requirements and have been well received by users. For years, the Bullock series of industrial computers and Sensors and other industrial control products have been in a number of key projects in China
美空军已同特拉柯宇航公司签订一份2300万美元的合同,用于购置大约400套AN/ALE-47 干扰投放系统.这项合同是估计达一亿美元的总计划中的第二个生产批次.在第一个生产批次中,
日本通产省10月12日表示要限制出口有可能转为核武器、火箭等军事用途的高技术产品.具体产品除精密机床外,还有半导体、微机等电子设备、炭纤维、特殊金属等共约 100种.另外,
随着计算机速度的提高,有可能通过人工智能方式使用计算机.要说大趋势,可用“disintermediation(取消中介) 词来表示,这意味着取消中介的人.其实这在白领阶层中早已开始发生,
我国毛纺织工业面临的困难及措施TheDifficultiesinChina'sWoolSpinningIndustryandtheMeasurestobeTaken¥//西北纺织工学院高建会建国45年来,我国毛纺织工业得到长足发展,一个包括教育、科研... The Difficulties in China’s Wool Textile Industry an