秋天,正是农家收获的季节。2001年11月8日,47岁的李荣贵也怀着收获的希望,像往常一样兴冲冲地走出家门,心里想着:今天又可以利用打工赚到的20元贴补家用了。可他无论如何也没有想到,这一去,竟突遭横祸,还引来了日后的一场行政诉讼。突来横祸2001年10月,J 市富春粮油兑换门市部的经营者王富春四处张罗雇工,帮其到各庄收购装卸稻子。起先雇佣陈金宝,因人手不够,陈金宝便介绍连
Autumn, it is the harvest season of the farmhouse. On November 8, 2001, 47-year-old Li Ronggui, also with the hope of reaping his fortunes, went out of his house excitedly as usual and thought: Today, he can supplement his family with 20 yuan earned by his job. But he did not think of any case, this went so far as unexpected accidents, but also led to an administrative litigation in the future. Sudden misfortune In October 2001, J Fuchun Oil Grain and Oils store operators Wang Fuchun Zhang around the hired workers to help them to the acquisition of the handling of the village of rice. First hired Chen Jinbao, due to lack of manpower, Chen Jinbao will introduce even