Cyclophosphamide belongs to the class of alkylating agents and is a derivative of nitrogen mustard. Oral absorption of good, after taking the drug peak concentration 1 hour, t1 / 2 about 5 to 7 hours, after allopurinol pretreatment can be extended t1 / 2. ~ 3H labeled cyclophosphamide after intravenous injection, the drug itself stays in the blood not too long, quickly distributed to various tissues. Cyclophosphamide is still permeable to the blood-brain barrier. Organ in the liver to distribute more. Tumor tissue drug concentrations higher than the corresponding normal tissue. In vitro few hydrocarbon-based activity into the human body in the liver by microsomal mixed function enzyme catalysis, in the presence of cytochrome P-450 and so on, by oxidation, split ring, with the formation of activation-type aldosterone. The metabolic pathway as shown below. Figure: cyclophosphamide metabolic pathway