扎扎实实抓管理 不遗余力谋发展——记山西黄土坡煤焦有限责任公司

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山西黄土坡煤焦有限责公司位于沁源县聪子峪乡小岭底村东, 处于省道汾屯公路没线,前身为黄土坡煤矿。公司自2002年7月改制重组以来,紧紧围绕秩序稳定是前提、挖掘利用是基础、发展壮大是根本的指导思想,解放思想,求真务实,抢抓机遇,顽强拼搏, 扎扎实实抓管理,不遗余力谋发展,取得了可喜成绩。2004年实现利润2800万元,上缴税金1800万元。目前,公司正抓时间、抢速度进行70万吨原煤基地的“百强调产”项目建设,矿井产量逐日递增, 经营管理步入正规,党的建设不断加强,精神文明建设蓬勃开展, 企业整体实力逐步增强。到“十五”期末,将形成年产15万吨主焦煤、5万吨配焦煤、50万吨优质动力煤,总计70万吨以上规模,产值超亿元,上缴税金2000万元以上的“小巨人”企业。公司连续8年获省、市、县“财务、税收、物价”遵纪守法户称号。2001年获县模范单位银奖,2002年获县红旗单位金奖,2003年获县级明星企业金奖。 Shanxi loess slope coal co., Ltd. is located in Qinyuan County, Zong Zizhi Township Xiaolingdi East Village, Fenfen highway in the province did not line, formerly Loess slope coal mine. Since the restructuring and reorganization of the company in July 2002, it has been firmly precondition that the stability of the order is firmly rooted. Mining and utilization are the foundation and development is the fundamental guiding ideology. Emancipating the mind, seeking truth and being pragmatic, seizing the opportunity, perseverance and hard work, managing in a down-to-earth manner , Spare no effort to seek development, has made gratifying achievements. 2004 profit 28 million yuan, taxes 18 million yuan. At present, the company is grasping the time and grabbing the speed to carry out the construction of “Top 100 Production Project” with a base of 700,000 tons of raw coal. The output of mines is increasing day by day. The operation and management are becoming more and more regular. The building of the party is continuously strengthened and the construction of spiritual civilization is booming. Gradually enhanced. By the end of the “Tenth Five-Year Plan” period, an annual output of 150,000 tons of main coking coal, 50,000 tons of coking coal and 500,000 tons of high-quality thermal coal will be formed with a total scale of more than 700,000 tons, output value exceeding 100 million yuan, Little Giant “business. The company for eight consecutive provinces, cities and counties ”financial, taxation, price" law-abiding households title. In 2001 won the county model unit silver medal, in 2002 by the county red flag unit gold medal, in 2003 by the county star enterprise gold medal.
震撼指数:★★★★★案件回放: 2004年11月5 日,一场不大的雪让乌鲁木齐的气温骤然下降,寒冷的冬天来了。在这个寒冷的城市里,一个曾经是这个城市引以为豪的企业和一个企业家
出身贫寒,却不甘平庸,凭藉出色的意志力、思想力与行动力搏杀商海,无所畏惧,终于有一天云开日出,化蝶飞舞,邱继宝的传奇人生折射出中国民营企业家的心路历程。 Born in pove
今年9月7日,在上海召开第七届国际光盘设备展览 会开幕式后的报告会上,国家新闻出版总署光盘 复制管理司王岩镔副司长做了题为“努力提高我国光盘 产业的核心竞争力”的主题
在深圳拓邦电子公司的产品研发部, 你看到的是一列正在煮开水的电磁炉, 几台正在洗衣服的洗衣机,如果运气好, 还能在这里吃到现炸的薯条或新鲜出炉 的烤面包。这不是开玩笑,
1/4个世纪的改革开放,已使一部分中国人发了,腰包也鼓了,吃腻了,穿烦 了,汽车有了,豪宅住了,还有太多的钱不知该买啥。想来想去觉得买块手表好,花 个几万,几十万,甚至上百万