1 调查方法1.1 水样采集 使用二次供水设施的单位和直接供水用户的末梢水。1.2 卫生学评价 按GB5750—85《生活饮用水水质标准检验方法》检验,以GB5749—85《生活饮用水卫生标准》为评价依据。1.3 检验项目 根据该地区水源污染少,水质好的情况,以细菌总数、大肠菌群、铁、浑浊度、游离余氯为主要项目进行测定。1.4 卫生调查内容 二次供水设施配套情况,水箱或水池
1 survey method 1.1 water samples collected using the secondary water supply facilities and water users directly to the user’s peripheral water. 1.2 Hygiene Evaluation According to GB5750-85 “drinking water quality standard test method” test to GB5749-85 “drinking water health standards” as the basis for evaluation. 1.3 Test items According to the region less water pollution, water quality is good, the total number of bacteria, coliform bacteria, iron, turbidity, free chlorine as the main project for the determination. 1.4 Health Survey Secondary water supply facilities, water tanks or tanks