各位热爱自然的朋友:我正在飞往Palmyra帕迈拉岛的途中,Palmyra是TNC在全球拥有的1600多个保护地中的一个圣地。无论纽约时报推荐的畅销书《The Ocean Will Tell》中提到的浪漫爱情故事、离奇的命案,还是真实的故事里,冒险家和寻找“桃花源”的毒品贩子,都曾是这个太平洋小岛的主题。这个680英亩(约等于2.4平方公里)的小岛是美国唯一的一个非宪辖领土(所有权属于私人,归内政部管辖)。2000年的时候,大自然保护协会(The Nature Conservancy,TNC)从前一位岛
Ladies and gentlemen who love nature: I am on my way to Palmyra on the island of Palmyra, which is a sacred place of more than 1,600 protected areas that the world has over TNC. Regardless of the romantic love story, bizarre murder or real story referred to in the New York Times recommended bestseller “The Ocean Will Tell,” adventurers and drug traffickers looking for “Peach Blossoms” were once the small Pacific Island theme. This 680-acre (about 2.4 square kilometer) island is the only non-constitutional territory in the United States (ownership is private and governed by the Ministry of the Interior). In 2000, The Nature Conservancy (TNC) was the former island