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车马通长 328.4厘米、车高 104.2厘米、四马高 64—66厘米,御官俑高 51厘米 1980年陕西临潼秦始皇陵封土西侧出土我国车的产生和发展有悠久的历史。《荀子·解蔽》记载:“奚仲作车。”杨倞注:“奚仲,夏禹时车正。”说明夏代奚仲发明车子。但到目前为止所见到最早的车的形象是商代的。甲骨文、青铜器铭文中“车”字作(?)(《簠室殷契徵文·游田》一二二)、(?)(《商周金文录遗》三三○叔车觚),是车的象形。河南安阳大司空村,孝民屯等商代墓葬和陕西长安张家坡、山东胶县、河南洛阳以及北京房山琉璃河等西周墓葬的车马坑中发现了大量车的遗迹。从复原的车子形制看,商代和西周的车同属于一个类型,车的结构都是独辕、双轮。两轮之间贯以轴木,辕的前端置衡,衡的两侧各缚有人字形轭,用以驾马。车辕后端 328.4 cm long, 104.2 cm high, four horses high 64-66 cm, royal palace figurines 51 cm high 1980 Shaanxi Lintong Qin Shi Huang Ling tomb unearthed in the west side of our country car has a long history. “Xunzi Unmasking” record: “Xi Zhong for the car.” Yang Xuan Note: “Xi Zhong, Xia Yu when the car.” Explain Xi Zhong Xia invented the car. But the image of the earliest car I’ve seen so far is Shang Dynasty. (?) (“簠 room 殷 契 征文 · 遊 田” one two two), (?) (“Shang and Zhou Jinwenluji” 330 car), is the car Pictogram. A large number of car ruins were found in the tombs of the Shang dynasties such as Anyisi Dashengcun and Xiaomin Min in Henan Province, Zhangjiapo in Chang’an in Shaanxi Province, Jiaoxian in Shandong Province, Luoyang in Henan and Luolihe in Fangshan, Beijing. From the restoration of the car shape, the Shang and Western Zhou Dynasty car belong to the same type, the car’s structure is the only shaft, two wheels. Axis between the two rounds through the shaft, the front end of the balance, the balance on both sides of each tied with a human-shaped yoke, used to drive horses. The back of the cowl