四十多年前,赵清阁已进入文坛。她能诗、能文,更善小说和戏剧。她发表和出版过三个短篇小说集,七、八部中,长篇小说,二十多部戏剧和电影文学剧本,以及散文、文艺理论著作,不下二百余万字。她还是出色的编辑,先后编过文艺报刊、丛书。她画得一手水墨国画,还作曲填词。凭着一颗艺术家的良心,伴着祖国的苦难与欢乐,沿着坎坷的道路,她经历了个人与社会的动荡和转折。 [一]赵清阁于一九一四年五月九日出生在河南信阳城内一个官僚地主家庭里。祖父为清朝举人,当过学官,能吟诗作赋。母亲聪明有才气,自学文化,会作诗绘画,但在二十六岁便离开了人
Forty years ago, Zhao Ching Court has entered the literary world. She can poem, essay, better novel and drama. She published and published three collections of short stories, seven or eight novels, novels, more than twenty plays and movie literary scripts, as well as prose, literary and theoretical works, no less than two hundred million words. She is also an excellent editor, has compiled literary newspapers, books. She painted a hand ink painting, but also composer lyrics. With an artist’s conscience, motherland’s misery and joy, along the rough road, she experienced personal and social turmoil and turning point. [1] Zhao Ching Court was born on May 9, 1914 in a bureaucratic landlord’s home in the city of Xinyang, Henan. Grandfather of the Qing Dynasty lifts, worked as an officer, can poems for poetry. Her mother is clever and talented, self-educated, poetic and poetic, but left at the age of twenty-six