一、互联网信息内容管理的问题 随着互联网信息传播技术的迅速发展,信息在全球范围内的流动规模和速度呈几何级的发展,信息的传播方式也发生了日新月异的变化。在互联网发展之初,人们曾一度普遍地认为互联网具有“三无”的基本特征:即无法律、无国界、无法技术管制。但是,时至今日,由于网上内容的无序发展所暴露出的矛盾和问题日益突出,人们已经开始意识到网上内容有序管理的重要性,
I. Issues Concerning Internet Information Content Management With the rapid development of Internet information dissemination technology, the scale and speed of information flow around the world have been developing at a geometric level. Information dissemination has also undergone rapid changes. At the beginning of the development of the Internet, people once thought generally that the Internet has the basic feature of “three noes”: that is, there is no law, no boundaries and no technical regulation. However, up till now, due to the increasingly prominent contradictions and problems exposed by the disorderly development of online content, people have come to realize the importance of orderly management of online content,