瘤胸天牛Aristobia hispida(Saunders)在海南岛危害花梨等檀属树种,是一种重要的蛀干性害虫。此虫为害普遍而严重,对本地特类商品材(花梨)和重要的紫胶虫寄主(南岭檀)的发展影响很大。为了寻找有效的防治措施,几年来我们作了初步研究,现整理报导如下,供有关方面参考。一、寄主和分布瘤胸天牛的寄主,据文献记载是桔类、金合欢类。又据一些高等院校的标本记录,其寄主尚有柳杉、胡枝子。但经过我们的初步调查,现已知此虫为害檀属的四个树种,即降香檀(花梨)、南岭檀、海南檀、印度檀等,而不为害钝叶檀、大果檀、思茅檀、黄檀。文献上关于为害桔类的记载,经过我们到两广地区的有关院校、柑桔场、研究所等调查访问,均称从未见有此虫为害柑桔。
Aristobia hispida (Saunders), an endangered species of sandalwood, harms pear and other species of sandalwood in Hainan Island. This pest is widespread and serious and has a great impact on the development of the local special commodity material (pear) and the important lacanth host (Nanling Tan). In order to find effective prevention and control measures, we made a preliminary study over the past few years, now finishing the following report for reference by relevant parties. First, the host and host Breast thoracic host, according to the literature is orange, Acacia category. According to some specimens of institutions of higher learning, its host there are still Cryptomeria, Lespedeza. However, after our preliminary investigation, it is known that the four species of Dalmatians, namely, Xiangtan (rose), Nanling Tan, Hainan Tan, Indian Tan, etc. are not harmful to Blunt Tannin, Simao Tan, Dalbergia. Literature on the record of the destruction of oranges, after we went to the Guangdong and Guangxi regions of the relevant institutions, citrus fields, research institutes and other survey visits, have said they never saw the pests citrus.