
来源 :现代交际 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cjcjmalei
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随着近些年来我国经济文化事业的不断发展与进步,加之当前全球化的进程的形成,我国加入了世界贸易组织等多种国际化因素前提下,我国在跨文化交际方面存在着多种问题。在这样的大背景之下,跨文化交际这门功课也已经有了更长足进步和发展,从而能够有效地帮助学生们提高自身的跨文化交际能力,有效地促进并帮助学生养成了跨文化交际意识。也正是这一内容的发展,为我国在英语教学方面的进步和发展做出了一定的指导。在我国小学英语教育的过程中,无论是文化因素还是交际能力等多个方面都存在着十分重要的作用,在教学过程中英语语言和文化二者之间紧密相连。要想学好一门语言,不但要学会相关的语法知识与发音,还要具备与这门语言相关的跨文化交际能力。本文主要论述的是小学英语教学中对学生跨文化交际意识的培养现状,针对培养跨文化交际过程中存在的不足之处进行了分析与研究,并制定出与之相适应的解决措施与优化对策,以期能为日后的小学英语教学中对跨文化交际意识的培养做出一定的贡献。 With the continuous development and progress of our economy and culture in recent years, together with the formation of the current globalization process and our country’s accession to various international factors such as the World Trade Organization, there are many problems in cross-cultural communication in our country . Under this background, the course of cross-cultural communication has also made great progress and development, which can effectively help students improve their intercultural communication skills, effectively promote and help students develop a cross-cultural Communication awareness. It is also the development of this content that has given our country some guidance in the progress and development of English teaching. In the process of primary school English education in our country, there exists a very important role in many aspects such as cultural factors and communicative competence. In the process of teaching, English language and culture are closely interlinked. To learn a good language, not only to learn the relevant grammatical knowledge and pronunciation, but also with the language-related cross-cultural communication skills. This article mainly discusses the current situation of students’ awareness of intercultural communication in primary English teaching, analyzes and researches the shortcomings existing in the process of cultivating intercultural communication, and formulates corresponding solutions and countermeasures , With a view to make some contribution to the training of cross-cultural communication awareness in the future of primary English teaching.
在无偿献血血液检测项目中,丙氨酸转氨酶(ALT)是献血者健康检查的必检项目之一,其检测正常值为赖氏法≤25U(卡门单位),连续检测法≤40 U/L,近年来我中心ALT检测不合格报废率一直