本期话题: 近年来,日韩剧席卷神州大地,其中《蓝色生死恋》《我的野蛮女友》等影片一度风靡全国。在其众多“Fans”中,青少年居多,不少少男少女对其“耐人寻味的剧情和新鲜的时代感”如痴如醉。但同时,其“光怪陆离的社会背景和极度脱离现实的情节”也会令不少家长担惊受怕。一时间,就日韩剧的话题,在社会上、互联网、校园内掀起了广泛的讨论。
This issue: In recent years, Japan and South Korea dramas Shenzhou, where “blue love”, “my sassy girlfriend” and other films once swept the country. Among its many “Fans,” many teenagers and teenagers are mesmerized by their “intriguing plot and a fresh sense of the times.” However, at the same time, many of their parents will be scared of by their “bizarre social background and their extreme isolation from reality”. For a time, on the topic of Japanese and Korean dramas, extensive discussions were held in society, the Internet and the campus.