佛州龟蜡蚧Ceroplastes floridensis Comstock在福建省永安市天竺桂上1 a发生2代,以雌成虫或3龄若虫越冬。该虫寄生在1~2年生的枝叶上,各方位虫口密度没有规律性。在永安主要危害天竺桂。环境污染有利于该蚧大发生;初孵若虫受持续高温干燥气候及大雨的影响较为明显。天敌的控制能力不强。
Ceroplastes floridensis Comstock was found on the 1st day of Tianzhu Gui, Yong’an City, Fujian Province for 2 generations and overwintered as female adults or 3rd instar nymphs. The parasitic parasites 1 to 2 years in the branches and leaves, the population density of insects are not regular. The main hazard Tianzhu Gui in Yongan. Environmental pollution is conducive to the occurrence of large scale; early nymphae of the sustained high temperature dry climate and heavy rain more obvious impact. Control of natural enemies is not strong.