主持人的话:太空探险、星际宇航、发现生命,甚至与其他世界的智慧交流……这些都是科幻小说中永恒的主题。而在俄罗斯和前苏联科幻文学传统中,这些题材又格外受到垂青。 早在1878年,俄国科学家齐奥尔科夫斯基就开始创作有关宇航的科幻小说,他的作品科学可信性极强,但在文学上难免失之枯涩。十月革命后别里亚耶夫成长为苏联著名的科幻大师,其《跃入虚空》(1933)从外太空的侧面记录下当年的社会变革。而叶菲莫列夫在其《仙女座星云》(1957)中更将共产主义推广到宇宙的尺度上,即便是西方科幻界也不得不赞叹这是一本对未来社会给予理想描述的好书。 “飞天:一个女宇航员的故事”是乌克兰科幻作家安·德米楚克的一系列宇航探险作品,其《奥林奇那星》(自本期开始连载)中的科幻构思令人拍案叫绝:早年的宇航探险艰辛而缓慢,在旅途中还充满了危险;可在这些英雄离去之后,地球上的人类并没有停止探索,科学进步使得新型的宇航技术被发明——于是,后来的探险队员居然超过前期的探险队员,先行来到奥林奇那星等候他们……
Host’s words: space exploration, interstellar spaceflight, discovery of life, and even the wisdom of other world exchanges ... These are the eternal theme of science fiction. In Russia and the Soviet Union, the tradition of science fiction literature, these topics are particularly favored. As early as 1878, Ziyolkovsky, a Russian scientist, started to create science-fiction novels related to space flight. His works are highly scientific and credible but inevitably lost in literature. After the October Revolution, Belyayev became a famous science fiction master in the Soviet Union. His “leap into emptiness” (1933) recorded the social changes of that year from the outer space. And in the “Andromeda Nebulae” (1957), Yefimovyv extended communism even more to the cosmic scale. Even the Western science fiction community had to praise it. It was a good book that gave an ideal description of the future society . “Flying Sky: The Story of a Female Astronaut” is a series of aerospace exploration works by Ukrainian science fiction writer Ann Demishchuk. Its science fiction conception in “The Olympian Star” (serialized this issue) : The arduous and slow astronaut adventure of the early years was full of dangers on the road; after the heroes left, humans on earth did not stop exploring and scientific progress led to the discovery of a new type of astronautics - Players actually more than the expedition members, first came to Olin Lynch star waiting for them ......