
来源 :海洋地质与第四纪地质 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:guomenling
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根据岱海盆地99a孔11 01m以上地层孢粉资料,运用孙湘君等所做的花粉 气候响应面定量重建了岱海盆地全新世以来的7月平均气温和年均降水量,结果表明,温暖湿润期的7月平均气温比今高约2~3℃,年均降水量比今多100~180mm;寒冷干旱期的7月平均气温比今低2~3℃,年均降水量比今少约40~120mm。全新世时期岱海盆地的气候曾发生过数次冷干、冷湿的降温事件和升温事件,冷干降温事件发生在10270、9500、8600、4400~4200、2800~1650aBP,冷湿降温事件发生在7600~7400、5800~5600aBP,升温事件发生在3750~3500、1650~1350aBP。除2800~1650aBP的寒冷期外,这些事件多持续了约200~300年便迅速结束。 Based on the pollen data of 11 01 m above the 99a hole in the Daihai Basin and using the pollen climatic response surface made by Sun Xiangjun et al., The mean temperature and mean precipitation in July since the Holocene in the Daihai Basin were quantitatively reconstructed. The results show that during the warm and humid period The average temperature in July is about 2 ~ 3 ℃ higher than today and the average annual precipitation is 100 ~ 180mm more than today; the average temperature in July in the cold and dry periods is 2 ~ 3 ℃ lower than that in the present, and the average annual precipitation is about 40% less than today ~ 120mm. During the Holocene, the climate of Daihai Basin had several cold and wet cooling events and warming events. The cold and dry cooling events occurred at 10270, 95500, 8600, 4400 and 4200 and 2800 to 1650 aBP, respectively, and the cooling and cooling events occurred In the 7600 ~ 7400,5800 ~ 5600aBP, warming events occurred in 3750 ~ 3500,1650 ~ 1350aBP. With the exception of the cold period of 2800 to 1650 aBP, these events ended most rapidly for about 200 to 300 years.