
来源 :公共卫生与预防医学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shanian
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目的了解青岛市突发公共卫生事件特征,评价应急响应与处置水平,为提高应急管理水平提供科学依据。方法采用描述流行病学方法分析青岛市2006-2013年突发公共卫生事件特征,应用主成分法对事件处置进行综合评价。结果青岛市2006-2013年共报告突发公共卫生事件704起,以环境因素类事件为主,占66.48%,病死率为16.45%;传染病类和中毒类事件各占32.67%、0.85%,病死率分别为1.84%和0.51%;传染病类事件56.52%发生在教育场所,监测时效9.54 h,报告时效1.28 h,控制时效0 d。2 h及时报告率为57.39%,报告完整率为93.32%,综合评估结果 F值跨度为-2.19~1.23。结论青岛市突发公共卫生事件以一氧化碳中毒引发的环境因素类事件为主,学校是传染病类事件发生的主要场所。主成分显示近几年报告管理水平有所提高。 Objective To understand the characteristics of public health emergency in Qingdao, evaluate the emergency response and disposal level, and provide a scientific basis for improving emergency management level. Methods Descriptive epidemiological methods were used to analyze the characteristics of public health emergencies in Qingdao City from 2006 to 2013, and the principal component method was used to evaluate the event handling. Results A total of 704 public health emergencies were reported in Qingdao from 2006 to 2013, with environmental factors as the main cause, accounting for 66.48% and the case fatality rate being 16.45%. The infectious diseases and poisoning accounted for 32.67% and 0.85% respectively, The case fatality rates were 1.84% and 0.51%, respectively. 56.52% of infectious diseases occurred in educational establishments. The monitoring time was 9.54 hours, the aging time was 1.28 hours, and the control aging time was 0 days. 2 h timely reporting rate of 57.39%, the report complete rate of 93.32%, the comprehensive evaluation of the value of F-span -2.19 ~ 1.23. Conclusion The public health emergencies in Qingdao are mainly environmental factors caused by carbon monoxide poisoning. Schools are the main places where infectious diseases occur. The main component shows that the reporting management level has been raised in recent years.
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