重视实用技术培训 发展“一优两高”农业

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当前,采取积极有效措施,加强对农民实用技术的培训,引导农民运用科学技术发展“一优两高”农业提高经济效益,是摆在我们广大成校教师面前的一项重要任务。从我们景宁县的农村现状来看,农民已基本解决了温饱问题,正向小康迈进。此外,由于农村实行联产承包责任制后,农村出现了一部份剩余劳力,可从事第二、第三产业。而这部分农民基本上是20~45周岁的青壮年,他们都具有一定的文化科技素质,向往现代农业生产和现代生活方式。他们渴望学习科学技术,以求 At present, it is an important task for teachers in our community to adopt proactive and effective measures to enhance training of peasants in practical technologies and to guide farmers in using science and technology to develop “one good, two high” agriculture so as to increase economic efficiency. From the current situation of rural areas in Jingning County, peasants have basically solved the problem of food and clothing and are now moving toward well-off society. In addition, since rural areas have implemented the system of responsibility for remuneration linked to output by families, some surplus labor force has emerged in rural areas and they can engage in secondary and tertiary industries. These peasants are basically young and middle-aged adults aged 20 to 45, all of whom have a certain degree of cultural, scientific and technological qualities, longing for modern agricultural production and modern lifestyles. They are eager to learn science and technology