
来源 :旅游纵览(下半月) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zihaocn
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自1965年独立以来,新加坡发展旅游业的政策随着国际国内环境的变化在不断的调整。旅游战略的正确制定和实施,一系列便于实施的旅游业支持政策,良好的旅游基础设施、投资环境和资源整合能力,都是新加坡旅游业蓬勃发展、成为地区旅游强国的重要原因。 Since independence in 1965, Singapore’s policy on tourism development has been constantly adjusted as the international and domestic environment changes. The correct formulation and implementation of tourism strategies, a series of easy-to-implement tourism support policies, good tourism infrastructure, investment environment and resource integration are both important reasons for Singapore’s booming tourism industry to become a regional tourist powerhouse.