胆红素对中枢神经系统的损害,引起胆红素脑病导致新生儿死亡,近十多年来已渐少见,但其后遗症应引起重视。一、病变部位和命名 1904年Schmorl对1例重症新生儿进行尸解时,发现神经基底核黄染而命名为核黄疸,其实除基底节外,海马沟,视丘,视丘下核,苍白球,壳核,顶核、尾状核,脑室核,小脑,延脑,大脑半球灰质和白质及脊髓等均可受累,所以,提出用胆红素脑病命名较核黄疸全面。二、发病机制间接胆红素是脂溶性的,可透过细胞膜进入富含脂质的神经,干扰其细胞呼吸和氧化磷酸化过程,引起一系列胆红素脑病的症
Bilirubin damage to the central nervous system, causing bilirubin encephalopathy leading to neonatal death, over the past decade has become less common, but its sequelae should pay attention. First, the lesion site and naming Schmorl in 1904 on a case of severe neonatal autopsy, found that the yellow nucleus of the nucleus of the nucleus was named nuclear jaundice, in fact, in addition to the basal ganglia, hippocampus, hypothalamus, hypothalamic nucleus, pale Ball, putamen, apex, caudate nucleus, ventricular nucleus, cerebellum, medulla oblongata, cerebral hemisphere gray matter and white matter and spinal cord, etc. can be involved, therefore, the proposed bilirubin encephalopathy than kernicter comprehensive. Second, the pathogenesis Indirect bilirubin is fat-soluble, can enter the lipid-rich nerve through the cell membrane, interfere with their cellular respiration and oxidative phosphorylation, causing a series of bilirubin encephalopathy