珠兰叶斑病的病原线虫,经人工接种尚能诱发草莓矮缩和引起菊花、四季海棠、牡丹和及已(Chloranthus serratus)的叶斑病,用稍加改良的Christie和Crossman平板上的柑桔交链孢(Alternaria citri)或PDA平板上的灰葡萄孢(Botrytis cinerea)培养,它们可以取食平板上的菌丝而繁殖。这种病原线虫的侧带区特有4条刻线,与国内外关于草莓芽线虫(Aphelenchoides,fragariae)都是2条刻线的已有报道不同,但除此以外,这两种线虫的所有其它形态特征几乎全部相似。本文根据上述,同时参照1987年Dr.Hooper为我们在英国复查典型草莓芽线虫侧带时所获得的“是4条刻线”而不是2条刻线的新结果,鉴定珠兰上的叶斑线虫为A.fragariae。
The pathogen nematodes of the blueberry leaf spot could still induce strawberry dwarfing and induced leaf spot blight on chrysanthemums, begonias, peonies and chloranthus serratus after artificial inoculation, Alternaria citri or Botrytis cinerea on a PDA plate, which can be multiplied by feeding the mycelium on the plate. The pathogenic nematodes have four scribes in the sidebands, which are different from the reports about the two engravings of strawberry nematode (Aphelenchoides, fragariae) both at home and abroad. But apart from this, all other nematodes Morphological characteristics are almost all similar. Based on the above, in the light of the new findings of “4 lines” rather than 2 lines obtained by Dr. Hooper in 1987 when we reviewed the typical band of strawberry nematode in the United Kingdom, Nematode A.fragariae.