多姿多彩、美仑美奂的奇石,越来越受到城市人们的喜爱。齐鲁大地盛产奇石,据不完全统计,仅岩石类观赏石就达50余种,目前被市场普遍接受的也有10余种。丰富的资源,使山东省观赏石在全国独树一帜。产于山东省的主要美石有: 五彩石。又名齐彩石,因产于古代齐国属地故名,是浅变质的图画类观赏石。岩性为硅质(或含硅质)灰岩。观赏石石质细腻、起玉性优良,抛光性能好,手感润
Colorful, beautiful rock, more and more by the city people’s favorite. According to incomplete statistics, there are more than 50 kinds of rock-like ornamental stones, which are currently widely accepted by the market. Rich resources, so that Shandong Province ornamental stones unique in the country. The main United States produced in Shandong Province are: colorful stone. Also known as Qi Cai stone, because in ancient Qi territory belongs to the name, is a superficial picture of ornamental stone. Lithology is siliceous (or siliceous) limestone. Ornamental stone stone fine, from jade excellent, polishing performance, feel moist