关牧林,河南省南阳市的一位27岁的青年农民。就是他创造了中国记忆之最。那么,他比常人的记忆要高明多少呢?请让我们一起来看看他的表演吧!表演现场之一:青年走近写满阿拉伯数字的黑板,他就是关牧林。有专人用表计算着他的记忆时刻:1分9秒钟后,他就开始清晰地背诵:“814333586735……”等41位数字,准确无误。接着他又开始倒背442537985……”又是只字不错,顿时在场的所有观众都拍手称赞。这是1993年12月关牧林在河南省南阳市的一次现场表演采录。 表演现场之二:关牧林在大札堂为学生们上课,一本厚厚的中国古代历史教材,他仅用千余字就能概括全部内容,大大缩短了记忆时间。这更使崇拜他的人,特别是中学生佩服得五体投地。一位学生听了他的报告后,非让他在自己崭新的衬衣上签名留念。这是
Guan Mu Lin, a 27-year-old young farmer in Nanyang City, Henan Province. It is he who created the most Chinese memory. So, he is more clever than ordinary memory? Please let us take a look at his performance! Performance site: youth approached the blackboard full of Arabic numerals, he is off animal husbandry. Someone with the table to calculate his memory moment: 1 minute 9 seconds later, he began to clearly recite: “814333586735 ......” and other 41 figures, accurate. Then he began to turn back 442537985 ... ... "is also a good word, all the audience immediately applauded, this is Guan Yue-lin in December 1993 in Nanyang City, Henan Province, a live performance recording. Big Zhantang class for students, a thick history of ancient Chinese teaching materials, he can only use more than a thousand words can summarize the entire content, greatly reducing the memory of time.This also makes worship of his people, especially high school students admiration for the body cast One student, after hearing his report, did not ask him to sign his name on his new shirt.