江西企业破世界难题 首创高效能电池隔膜技术

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汽车动力电池技术是制约电动汽车发展的瓶颈,如何制造高能量、充电快、续航久的高安全性动力电池,也是世界级难题。目前,聚酰亚胺(PI)纳米纤维电池隔膜在南昌成功实现产业化,这预示着江西掌握了世界首创的动力电池隔膜产品技术,这也是中国锂电行业第一个掌握了核心技术、具有原创自主知识产权的高科技产品。无论从环保角度,产业升级的需要,还是出于对能源安全的考虑,新能源产业发展都需要高效的储能动力电池。然而,目前市面上的动力电池安全性差、充电时间长、续航时间短等问题一直得不到很好解决。 Automotive battery technology is the bottleneck restricting the development of electric vehicles, how to create high-energy, fast charging, long battery life of a high safety battery is also a world-class problems. At present, polyimide (PI) nanofiber battery separator in Nanchang successful industrialization, which indicates that Jiangxi mastered the world’s first power battery separator technology, which is China’s lithium industry first to master the core technology, with original Independent intellectual property rights of high-tech products. No matter from the perspective of environmental protection, industrial upgrading, or for energy safety considerations, the development of new energy industries require efficient energy storage battery. However, at present, problems such as poor safety of the battery on the market, long charging time and short battery life have not been well solved.
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