毛泽东秘密抵达城南庄 1948年4月11日傍晚,一支不起眼的小型车队翻过菩萨岭,徐徐开进了河北省阜平县一个小山村城南庄村东头的晋察冀军区司令部的大院。晚霞里,天空已升起袅袅炊烟,牧归的牛羊正在下山,扛着镐锨回家的农人不经意地闪身让路,看着车队通过。许多顽童还追在吉普车的后边嬉戏玩耍……在城南庄人的眼里,这是一个平淡无奇的傍晚。只有参与了那次秘密行动的人和后来的少数史学家才知道,那是一个不同寻常的傍晚。那时候,村子里许多人家的墙上都挂着毛泽东和朱德的画像,可他们谁也没有想到那位叱咤风云、家喻户晓的伟大人物就坐在这个小型车队中的一辆美式敞篷吉普车上。直到多少年以后,他们才从纪念馆毛泽东旧居前的
Mao Zedong secretly arrived in Chengnanzhuang In the evening of April 11, 1948, an obscure small convoy turned over to Bodhisattva and slowly entered the headquarters of the Shanxi-Chajian Military Region at the head of Nanzhuang Village, a small mountain village in Fuping County of Hebei Province. hospital. Sunset, the sky has raised curl smoke, grazing cattle and sheep are going down, carrying pickaxe home peasants inadvertently dodge way, watching the team through. Many urchins are also chasing behind the jeep play ... ... In the eyes of the city of Nanzhuang, this is a bland evening. Only those who participated in the secret operation and the later few historians knew that it was an unusual evening. At that time, many people in the village were hung with portraits of Mao Zedong and Zhu De on the walls, but none of them thought of the all-powerful great man sitting on an American convertible jeep in the small convoy. Until many years later, they only from the former residence of the Memorial Mao Zedong