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2013年11月26日,江苏亨通光电股份有限公司(简称亨通光电)“引领智慧生活·助力宽带中国”2013年新品发布会在北京隆重举行,20余款系列新品闪耀登场,覆盖4G通信、海洋工程等领域,全面展现其自主创新实力。随着国家宽带战略的实施与4G部署的兴起,传统光电线缆市场的竞争加剧,科技创新迫在眉睫。作为全球领先的光电线缆供应商,亨通光电以“打造世界知名品牌、成就国际优秀企业”为愿景,以“传输进步、繁荣社会”为使命,不断增加对高端产品的投资和研发,依托“光 November 26, 2013, Jiangsu Hengtong Optoelectronics Co., Ltd. (referred to as Hengtong Optoelectronics) ”leading smart life, helping broadband China “ 2013 new conference was held in Beijing, 20 series of new products shine debut, covering 4G communications , Marine engineering and other fields, fully demonstrate its independent innovation strength. With the implementation of the national broadband strategy and the rise of 4G deployment, the competition in the traditional optical cable market is aggravated and technological innovation is imminent. As a leading optical cable supplier in the world, Hengtong Optoelectronic aims at ”building a world famous brand and making outstanding international enterprises“ as a vision and ”increasing progress and building a prosperous society“ with the goal of continuously increasing investment in high-end products R & D, relying on ”light
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The recovery of iron and enrichment of rare earths from Bayan Obo tailings were investigated using CoalCa(OH)_2-NaOH roasting followed by magnetic separation.Th
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结合马钢2×380 m2烧结机余热发电优化操作案例,在现有工艺设备基础上,通过增加烧结矿原始蓄热量、减少废气带走热量、减少余热烟气系统冷风带入量、增大余热回收量等措施对
We constructed a 1:10 cold water experimental model by geometrically scaling down an Isa smelting furnace. The mixing processes at different liquid heights, lan