邮政普遍服务是各国邮政都非常关心的重要问题。它与邮联使命、邮政改革、邮政开放等紧密相连 ,牵一发而动全身 ,关系到 2 1世纪将建立一个什么样的世界邮政格局。处理好了这一问题将会推动世界邮政局势向着有利于发展中国家的方向发展 ,向着公平合理的方向发展。
Universal postal service is an important issue that all postal services are very concerned about. It is closely linked with the mission of the UPU, the postal reform and the opening of postal services. The rapid development of the postal service has something to do with the development of the world postal system that will be established in the 21st century. Addressing this issue well will push the world postal service toward a development that is favorable to the developing countries in a fair and reasonable manner.