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一九二七年秋末到一九二八年春的湘南暴动,在湘南地区加强了党的建设,组建了一万多人的农军,建立了苏维埃政权,开展了插标分田的土地革命,在中国革命史上是有其光辉业绩的。它在湘南人民心中,树立了一块高人的历史丰碑。本世纪八十年代,郴州地区的党史工作者,尽心尽力收集整理了许多有关历史资料。一九八八年初,郴州地委和行署组织开展了湘南起义六十周年纪念活动,使湘南暴动的革命精神,进一步得到了发扬光大。对这一段历史的研究,郴州地区从事党史工作的人员经历了千辛万苦,获得了丰硕成果。由于湘南暴动过去几十年了。大部分历史资料已经散失,参加暴动的骨干有的光荣牺牲,有的老病死亡,留在人世的不多了,这就给暴动史的研究带来了很大的困难。有的问题难以明确确定,存在争议也是难免的。从这一方面来说,我觉得有几个问题是需要进一步探讨的,现提出以下三题供商榷。 The southern Hunan uprising in late autumn and the spring of 1928, in 1927, strengthened the building of the party in southern Hunan, established more than 10,000 agricultural troops, established the Soviet political power, carried out the agrarian revolution marked by the separation of fields, In the history of the Chinese revolution has its brilliant performance. It is in the hearts of southern Hunan people, set a noble historical monument. In the 1980s, Party history workers in the Chenzhou area devoted themselves to collecting and arranging many historical materials. In early 1988, Chenzhou prefectural committee and executive agency organized the commemoration of the sixtieth anniversary of the southern Hunan uprising, so that the revolutionary spirit of the southern Hunan riots was further enhanced. The study of this period of history, Chenzhou area engaged in party history work experienced hardships and achieved fruitful results. Since the southern Hunan riots over the past few decades. Most of the historical materials have been lost. Some honorable sacrifices have taken part in the insurrectionary revolution. Some deaths and deaths have remained in the world. This has brought great difficulties to the study of the history of the riots. Difficult to clearly identify some problems, there is controversy is inevitable. In this respect, I think there are several issues that need further discussion. The following three questions are put forward for discussion.
尾状核出血的临床表现与蛛网膜下腔出血很相似,临床上容易误诊,本科4年来共收治7例,均经CT检查证实,现报道如下。临床资料7例尾状核出血患者,男性4例,女性 The clinical ma
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“快点上床,讲完故事马上睡觉!”“快点吧,我们要迟到了!”“赶紧买完菜回去做饭。”一直以来,你是不是已经对生活里这样永远忙不完的事情绝望了?!为什么不让自己喘口气呢?你又不是超人!    少做一点,慢慢来  周六上午是英语课,下午学舞蹈;周日上午要采购一周的食物,下午还有美术课。哦,对了,周六晚上还要带宝宝去参加一个社区的亲子活动。对,没错,我们都想让孩子的生活丰富起来,更有意义。但是,当时间表被
本文对1989年至1996年住院治疗的脑干出血39例进行临床分析如下。 1 临床资料 1.1一般资料:本组39例,其中男28例,女11例,年龄18—77岁,平均56.5岁。桥脑出血38例,其中波及延
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