黑色岩系(black rock series)或又称黑色页岩(black shales)是一种在深海缺氧的还原条件下(或在封闭的海湾条件下),以富含有机质为特征的一整套细粒—粉砂质或泥质沉积岩的总称,捷克学者J.Pasava把这种黑色岩石称为缺氧沉积岩(anoxic sediments)。关于黑色岩系中含铂族元素问题,早在60年代后期至70年代就引起人们注意。80年代以来,国内外研究论文日益增多。在中国,近10年来,发表的论文也不少,但都未论及铂族元素存在形式。当然,更没有铂族元素矿物发现的报道。
The black rock series or black shales is a set of fine particles characterized by rich organic matter under deep sea oxygen deficient conditions (or under confined gulf conditions) - A general term for silty or argillaceous sedimentary rocks, Czech scholar J. Pacava calls this black rock anoxic sediments. About the black rock series containing platinum group elements, as early as the late 1960s to the 1970s attracted much attention. Since the 1980s, there has been a growing number of research papers both at home and abroad. In China, there have been many published papers in the past 10 years, but none of them have dealt with the existence of platinum group elements. Of course, there is no report of the discovery of platinum group elemental minerals.