调查我国26 个省、市、自治区,93 个县市,183 个取样点,1 373 个大、小麦根样本。根据休眠孢子出现频率(有休眠孢子样本数/总样本数)和每克麦根休眠孢子数,将我国禾谷多粘菌的分布区分为3 个,多菌区包括江、浙、沪、皖、赣、湘、鄂和鲁的大部分和川、陕小部分,冀个别地区;少菌区包括豫大部和晋、甘小部或个别地区;其余地区为无菌区。分布区主要在长江、黄河和淮河中下游流域。禾谷多粘菌的分布范围比大麦黄花叶病等 3 种病毒病的分布更广泛。本研究还探讨了我国各地禾谷多粘菌的分离物存在生理分化现象
Investigation of 26 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions in our country, 93 counties and cities, 183 sampling points, 1 373 large, wheat root samples. According to the frequency of resting spores (the number of dormant spores / the total number of samples) and the number of dormant spores per gram of wheat, the distribution of polymyxins in cereal crops in our country is divided into three, including the provinces of Zhejiang, Zhejiang, Shanghai and Anhui , Jiangxi, Hunan, Hubei and Lu and most of the Sichuan and Shaanxi small part of Ji individual areas; small bacteria area including the Department of Henan and Jin, Gan small or individual areas; the rest of the sterile area. Distribution mainly in the Yangtze River, the Yellow River and the Huaihe River basin. The distribution of polymyostella cerevisiae is wider than the distribution of three viral diseases, such as yellow leaf mosaic disease of barley. This study also explored the physiological differentiation of S. cerevisiae isolates in different parts of China