紧密联合起来 讲究期刊质量 为提高国家部委的整体素质作贡献

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各位领导、各位理事、各位代表: 第三届国家部委教育期刊研讨会从6月17日开始,到今天(6月19日)就要胜利结束了。我们非常高兴地看到,各方面对这次活动都非常重视、非常支持。参加这次会议的不仅有来自国家部委各个教育期刊编辑部的在座的各位理事和各位代表,而且还有许多贵宾出席了我们的会议。国防科工委教育训练部的郑贵录部长、任万德副部长、赵长明处长,国家人事部考核与培训司的张志鸿司长、继续教育处的张庆龙、刘化军处长,中国继续工程教育协会的庄英翘副秘书长专程参加会议并发表了重要讲话;国防科工委继续教育中心的孔祥廷主任、尚立华政委、朱宪政副主任等全力以赴支持会议的召开,使我们感到格外温暧;特别是化工部人教司和地矿部教育司具体负责职工教育、继续 Ladies and gentlemen, Deputies, Delegates: The Third National Ministry of Education Journal Journal Symposium Beginning June 17 and ending today (June 19), the victory is over. We are very pleased to see that all parties attach great importance to this event and strongly support it. Not only participating members and deputies from all editorial departments of education and periodicals of national ministries, but also many distinguished guests attended our meeting. Zheng Guilu, Minister of Education and Training of the Commission of Science, Technology and Industry Commission of China, Ren Zhangde, Zhao Changming, Director of the Ministry of Personnel Assessment and Training Zhang Zhihong, Director of Continuing Education Zhang Qinglong and Liu Huajun, Director of China Continuing Engineering Education Association Zhuang Ying Secretary-General Alice made a special trip to attend the conference and delivered an important speech. Kong Hongting, director of the CSC Continuing Education Center, Shang Lihua’s commissar and Zhu Xianzheng, deputy director of the CPC Central Committee and other delegations, did their utmost to support the convening of the conference and made us feel exceptionally warm. Is the Ministry of Chemical Industry Division and the Department of Education Department of Mines specifically responsible for staff education, continue
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