在2004年的这个春天,爱立信、麦当劳两位高层接连猝死,一时间关于工作压力、关于。ofice 里不断发生着的“过劳死”一下成了一个热门话题。我们这里要给大家说的是一个关于生死的敏感话题,舒适的办公室和不低的薪水也许无法和“猝死”或者“过劳死”联系起来,但是确实有一些人倒下了,他们正当壮年,都处于事业的高峰期。往者已经过去,可是死神到底藏在哪里?是在电脑机箱里还是在餐桌上,在跑步机的履带里还是汉堡包里?留神您的身体,就算我们又在危言耸听。但是如果看完这些之后您开始注意休息和锻炼,我们的危言耸听也算功德一件了。
In the spring of 2004, Ericsson, McDonald’s two consecutive sudden death, a time about work stress, about. Ofice continues to occur in the “overwork” became a hot topic. What we are going to tell you here is a sensitive topic about life and death. Comfortable offices and low salaries may not be linked to “sudden death” or “overworking.” But there are indeed some people who have fallen and are in their prime , Are at the peak of their career. The past has passed, but where is the death hidden in the end? Is in the computer chassis or at the table, in the treadmill treadmill or hamburger? Looked at your body, even if we are alarmist. But if you begin to pay attention to rest and exercise after reading these, our warnings are merit.