于右任先生是驰名中外的书法家、教育家和社会活动家。他不仅是国民党元老和孙中山先生的亲密战友,也是中国共产党的好朋友。在他几十年的革命生涯中,与中国共产党的主要领导人,特别是和周恩来结下了深厚的友谊。 开国共合作之先河 早在大革命时期,于右任就积极支持国共两党合作。 1922年陕西靖国军失败后,于先生离陕赴沪。恰巧这时东南高等师范专科学校的学生驱逐了不称职的原任校长,要求改组学校,成立上海大学,并拟从陈独秀、章太炎和于右任三位著名学者
Mr. Yu Youren is a famous calligrapher, educator and social activist. He is not only a close comrade in arms between the KMT veteran and Dr. Sun Yat-sen, but also a good friend of the Chinese Communist Party. During his decades of revolutionary career, he has forged profound friendship with the main leaders of the Chinese Communist Party, especially with Zhou Enlai. As early as the founding of the founding of cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party of China early in the Revolutionary Period, the right to actively support the Kuomintang and Communist Party cooperation. After the defeat of the Yasukuni Army in Shaanxi in 1922, Mr. Yu went to Shanghai from Shaanxi. It happened that at this time, students of the southeast higher normal college deported incompetent former principals, demanded the reorganization of schools and the establishment of Shanghai University, and proposed three famous scholars from Chen Duxiu, Zhang Taiyan and Yu Youren