速生高产水草 雨久花草

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郑州市郊区畜牧资源调查时,发现速生高产的雨久花草,是喂猪、鸡的好饲料。我们对草的生长历史、生物学特性、营养成份和经济价值进行了调查研究。一、生长历史:1958年以前,郑州郊区未曾见过雨久花草,因58—60年从广州、湖南等地引种水浮莲,水葫芦时少量带进来。 When surveying the livestock resources in the suburbs of Zhengzhou City, it was found that the long-flowering and high-yielding long-flowering plants and flowers are a good feed for pigs and chickens. We conducted a survey of grass growth history, biological characteristics, nutritional content and economic value. First, the growth history: Before 1958, the suburbs of Zhengzhou have not seen the long flowering plants, because 58-60 years from Guangzhou, Hunan and other places introduced water lily, water hyacinth a small amount brought in.
2015年11月29日,北京,晴,北京市空气重污染预警再拉高一个等级,由黄色升至橙色。这是自2014年10月底后,首次升至该级别。  这一天,也是“坚果兄弟”举着吸尘器上街的第100天。  “坚果兄弟”并不是一对兄弟,而是一个常住深圳的湖北小伙儿,朋友们称他为坚果。2013年,关于北京雾霾天气恶化、PM2.5严重超标的报道甚嚣尘上,让远在深圳的他深感震动,于是萌生了“用吸尘机吸雾霾100天,用得来