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   While all deception requires secrecy, all secrecy is not meant to deceive.
  —Sissela Bok
  Psst. Come here. Closer. A little closer. I have something to tell you. Now, this is a secret, so you have to promise not to tell anyone. Can you keep a secret? Wait. Actually, on second thoughts, it’s probably best that I don’t tell you. It’s not that I don’t trust you. It’s for your own safety. If anyone found out you knew my secret, there is no telling what might happen. You see, secrets are like that. Some should be verbalized, but others need to be locked up and the key thrown away.
  Everyone has secrets. And no one wants to keep them more than high-profile figures such as celebrities and politicians. In The Secret Life of Secret Agents we learn about the hush-hush world that exists within the walls of The White House—from the code names of President Obama and his family through to the top secret relationships of John F. Kennedy. In the end, secrets usually find a way of getting out. No one is immune.
  Some secrets are brought to light without so much as a whisper. Showing real-life examples of the old saying “actions speak louder than words,” The Secrets of Body Language discloses the ways in which to decipher the hidden meaning embedded in facial expressions and body movements.
  And while some secrets are revealed without a single word being spoken, Secrets Sworn to Silence shows us that certain secrets, which may have the power to hurt others or destroy families, are better left unsaid. Often, secrets involve many people and the feelings of all the affected parties must be taken into account before being exposed. Besides, there may be more to gain from zipping your lip, as dealing with the truth can sometimes get ugly.
  Okay, after careful consideration, I’m ready to tell you my secret now. Are you sure you can handle it? Wait. I’ll make you a deal. You tell me your secret, and I’ll tell you mine. What do you say?
故事介绍:  Eleanor Bope(埃莉诺·波培)在一份伦敦早报上看到一则消息:和平委员会认为目前的男孩玩具包含了太多关于战争的元素,虽然这符合他们的好斗天性,但是不应该继续对这种倾向加以鼓励。于是委员会决定举办一个展览来推广“和平的玩具”,这些新型的玩具会以平民形象的模型替代士兵等形象的模型,以各种生产工具模型替代各种武器模型。想到自己的两个儿子,11岁的Eric(埃里克)和9岁半的Bert
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