Hemorrhagic activity and mechanism of FIIa,a fibrinolytic enzyme from Agkistrodon acutus venom

来源 :Acta Pharmacologica Sinica | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kjc
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AIM: To study the local hemorrhagic activity of a fibrinolytic enzyme (FIIa) from Agkistrodon acutus venom and its mechanism. METHODS: The local hemorrhagic activity was determined by subcutaneous injection on the back of mouse. The effects of FIIa on factor X, prothrombin, gelatin, and collagen were visualized by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). Platelet aggregation assays were performed in rat platelet- rich plasma (PRP). Human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC) were cultured and passaged in complete M199 medium. Cell viability and nuclear morphology change were determined by fluorescein diacetate (FDA) staining and Hoechst 33258 staining, respectively. RESULTS: The minimum hemorrhagic dose (MHD) of FIIa was 89 μg. In vitro, FIIa (0.25 g/L) degraded factor X, prothrombin, collagen, and gelatin, and dose-dependently (0.25, 0.50, 0.75, and 1.00 g/L) inhibited the platelet aggregation induced by ADP in rat PRP. When HUVEC in culture treated with FIIa, HUVEC showed detachment in a dose-dependent manner, but no apoptosis sign was observed. CONCLUSION: FIIahad local hemorrhagic activity, and the mechanism was related to the degradation of factor X, prothrombin, gelatin, and collagen, the inhibition of ADP-induced platelet aggregation, and inducement of HUVEC detachment.2Now in Beijing Universityof Chinese Medicine,Beijing 100029,China.3Correspondence to Dr Xiu-xia LIANG. AIM: To study the local hemorrhagic activity of a fibrinolytic enzyme (FIIa) from Agkistrodon acutus venom and its mechanism. METHODS: The local hemorrhagic activity was determined by subcutaneous injection on the back of mouse. The effects of FIIa on factor X, prothrombin, gelatin, and collagen were visualized by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). Platelet aggregation assays were performed in rat platelet-rich plasma (PRP). Human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC) were cultured and passaged in complete M199 RESULTS: The minimum hemorrhagic dose (MHD) of FIIa was 89 μg. In vitro, FIIa (0.25 g / L) degraded Inhibitors of platelet aggregation induced by ADP in rat PRP. When HUVEC in culture tr CONCLUSION: FIIahad local hemorrhagic activity, and the mechanism was related to the degradation of factor X, prothrombin, gelatin, and collagen, the inhibition of ADP-induced platelet aggregation, and inducement of HUVEC detachment. Home in Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, Beijing 100029, China. 3Crespondence to Dr Xiu-xia LIANG.
我家夫君,遗传了他哥哥姐姐之消费观,花钱绝对舍得。喜欢品牌,崇尚一分价钱一分货。在他心里,没有缺钱的概念。100元相当于1000元,10万元等同于100万元,心态超级好。  于是,我当仁不让要管钱。一个家没有储蓄,如同一支军队没有装备。为了戒他的花钱瘾,我给他定了硬指标:消费超过500元,必须请示。2007年他去上海出差,第一天给我发短信:“老婆,我给你看上了一件羊绒衫,1500元。”买了和你翻脸
我笑着说:“车子买回家,每天擦洗,一个星期打蜡,及时换黄油,到了里程数就去4S店保养,一保、二保、三保,如果你们像保养车一样保养婚姻,我想,那婚姻绝对是很幸福的。”  表姐的婚姻前阵子亮了红灯,两个人常常为了鸡毛蒜皮的事,吵得不可开交。表姐不止一次对我说:“他越来越不爱我了,根本就无视我的存在,可能我们的婚姻就此到头了。”  表姐和表姐夫是自由恋爱,两人经历了很多波折才在一起。因为家境贫困,两个人
精神药品(psychotropic substances)是指直接作用于中枢神经系统,使之兴奋或抑制,连续使用能产生依赖性的药品,依据对人体产生的依赖性和危害人体健康的程度,分为第一类和第
一、1999年俄罗斯经济形势趋好 1998年是俄罗斯政府的“反危机年”。俄经济危机程度相当严重,已超过了1929—1933年西方的大萧条时期。危机的主要表现是工农业生产的大幅度