近几年来 ,按照党中央决定 ,在县级以上党政领导班子和领导干部中用整风的精神开展以“讲学习、讲政治、讲正气”为主要内容的党性党风教育 ,这是坚持从严治党的重大举措 ,是马克思主义认识论在新时期党的建设上的成功运用和伟大实践 ,同时也是对广大党员干部进行的一次深刻的?
In recent years, in accordance with the decision of the Central Party Committee, we must carry out education on the party spirit and party style with the main content of “stressing on learning, stressing on politics and righteousness” in the spirit of rectification throughout the party and government leading bodies and leading cadres above the county level, Strict governance of the party’s major move is the successful application and great practice of Marxist epistemology in the party building in the new era, but it is also a profound exercise in the party members and cadres?