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十年过去了,往事的记忆常在心中泛起。1993年9月28日13时20分左右,黄山市黟县境内的方家岭上,一辆大客车坠落山涧,死亡12人,轻重伤21人,车辆报废。这是一起单方面肇事的交通事故,因车属国营企业,驾驶员当场死亡,事故的直接责任明确,如果简而化之,既无碍于受害人的利益,也符合相关责任人的心理。然而事故调查人员在现场勘查中一丝不苟,从蛛丝马迹中查找证据,理疑点、摆问题、追本穷源——由于现场勘查缜密,逻辑推理严谨,事故原因分析透彻,使事故的真正原因得以揭示,从而避免了类似事故的再次发生。 Ten years have passed, memories of the past often in the heart. At about 13:20 on September 28, 1993, a passenger car crashed into the mountain stream on Fangjialing in Shexian County, Huangshan City, killing 12 people and injuring 21 others. The vehicle was scrapped. This is a traffic accident involving a unilateral accident. Because the vehicle belongs to a state-owned enterprise, the driver dies on the spot. The direct responsibility of the accident is clear. If simplified, it will not affect the interests of the victims nor the psychology of the responsible persons. However, accident investigators meticulously in site investigation, looking for evidence, doubts, problems and pursuing the source of poverty from the clues - due to careful site investigation, careful logical reasoning and thorough analysis of the causes of the accident, the real causes of the accident were revealed, Thus avoiding the recurrence of similar accidents.
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